Two Prophets in Islam Who Died in Sujood

Two Prophets in Islam Who Died in Sujood

Sujood is a position in Salah when we humbly bowing down with our forehead touching the ground. The most beautiful virtue of Sujood is being close to Allah SWT. And one of the best death in Islam is when you died while performing Sajda. Do you know how many prophets died in Sujood out of 124,000 prophets of Allah?

Unfortunately, there is not much information available that explains the deaths of prophets. We don’t even fully know about the death of the 25 prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran.

However, several sources mention the following two prophets of Allah who died in Sujood, they are Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Prophet Dawud (AS).

1. Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

Prophet Ibrahim AS

The Holy Quran mentioned the name of Prophet Ibrahim quite a lot, which is 69 times. Prophet Ibrahim was ordered by Allah to build the Sacred House or the Holy Kaaba. He (PBUH) build Kaaba with his son, Prophet Ismail (AS).

Even though the Quran writes his life in detail, but it doesn’t conclude his death. However a source provides additional information about his death, prophet Ibrahim dies when he was in Sujood. (Al-Iktifā bimā Tadammanuhū Magāzī, 1:43; Subul al-Hudā, 1:159)  If we throwback of Prophet Ibrahim that referred to as Khalilullah, the dear friend of Allah, then his death in Sujood is not surprising.

2. Prophet Dawud (AS)

Prophet Dawud AS

The Holy Quran mentioned the name of Prophet Dawud 16 times. Prophet Dawud is one of the prophets that are blessed by Allah SWT with a Holly book called Zabur or Psalms.

According to Surah Saba verse 10-11, Prophet Dawud was blessed with a miracle. The miracle is that he could soften iron in his hand and make out armors from it.

He was known to live and died in Palestine, but there is no information on how he died. However, according to Al Bidayah wa al Nihayah, Prophet Dawud died while he was in Sujood.

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