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4 posts
October 11, 2024
Is Wearing Wig Halal or Haram in Islam?
Short answer: Wearing wigs is typically prohibited in Islam, especially for beauty purposes, but it is allowed when used to remove defects such as hair loss from illness or accidents.
July 10, 2024
Are Breast Implants Haram or Halal?
Is breast implant permissible in Islam, considering beautification and the removal of faults?
July 2, 2024
Is It Permissible for a Woman to Grow Nails and Shape Them?
Does Islam allow Muslim women to grow and shape their nails to enhance their appearance?
May 1, 2024
Are Artificial Eyelashes Haram In Islam?
The answer to whether false lashes are permissible or not depends on the situation. The situation can be divided into medical purposes and cosmetic purposes.