Judgement Day is a thing that all Muslims have to believe in, and for this day to come, there are major and minor signs.
As Major Signs of the Judgement Day is widely described all over the world, we, this time, focused on the Minor Signs of the Day of Judgment. We recently talked about Can a boy or a Girl be Friends ? as well as a Halal way of approaching a girl.

Muslims trust that the present life is just a trial readiness for the following domain of presence. This life is a test for every person for the post-existence. A day will come when the entire universe will be pulverized and the dead will be revived for judgment by God. This day will be the start of an existence that will never end. This day is the Day of Judgment.
On that day, all individuals will be remunerated by God as per their convictions and deeds. The individuals who kick the bucket while trusting that “There is no genuine God, however, God, and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God” and are Muslim will be remunerated on that day and will be admitted to Paradise until the end of time.
Watch This Video to learn These Minor Signs;