The last ten nights of Ramadan are the year’s greatest nights, and the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah are the greatest days of the year. Here are 10 things a person can do to mark the maximum out of these greatest days, whether you will perform Hajj or not!
1. Always Remember Allah
Muslims on Hajj will be praying the Talbiyah. If you are not, pray the following in the initial 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah:

2. Give Charity
Open-handed charity in these sacred times is very rewarding. Attempt to provide to as numerous diverse causes as possible, even if it is a small quantity.
You can also find some ways to give to charity without money.
3. Must Fast On The day of Arafah

4. Pray Salaatul Duha
Initiate a practice of offering the voluntary 2 rakah salah in the middle of sunrise and Dhuhr each day throughout these ten days.

5. Give Eid Gifts To Your Neighbours
Make your Eid gifts for your fellow citizen and take benefit of the additional rewards throughout these holy days.

6. Make Dua
Make as much dua as you can throughout these holy days, particularly on the day of Arafah. The finest dua is that which is completed on the day of Arafah:

7. Perform Hajj If Your Are Financially Stable or Make Intentions To Perform It Next Year
One of the highest activities that can be completed throughout these 10 days is Hajj which starts on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah. If you can’t go this year, make the intent throughout these blessed ten days to visit next year.

8. Be Extra Gentle When You Meet People

9. Perform Qurbani (Zabihah)
Do the Qurbani and support feed poor people around the world.

10. Motivate Other To Do Good Deeds
Share this information with your family and friends and motivate them to do good activities during these ten blessed days.