List of Halal and Haram Birds in Islam

In Islam, there are various types of birds that are considered lawful or forbidden to eat.
Halal and Haram Birds in Islam
Photo: Aleksandar Pasaric

The classification is primarily based on the behavior and characteristics of the birds, particularly how they hunt and feed.

Birds that do not use their claws to inflict wounds or prey on other animals are generally considered Halal, while those that do are categorized as Haram.

List of Halal Birds In Islam (Permitted)

The following is a list of birds that are considered Halal and permissible to eat according to Islamic dietary laws:

Bird NameDescriptionDiet
MartinA small, insect-eating bird that does not prey on other animals.Insects
SwallowKnown for its agility in flight, this bird feeds primarily on insects.Insects
QuailA small game bird, often consumed in various cuisines.Seeds, Insects
DuckA waterfowl that feeds on aquatic plants and small fish.Aquatic Plants, Small Fish
CraneA large bird that feeds on grains and small animals but does not hunt with its claws.Grains, Small Animals
NightingaleA songbird that primarily feeds on insects.Insects
Weaver BirdKnown for its intricate nests, this bird feeds on grains and seeds.Grains, Seeds
Partridge (All types)Ground-dwelling birds that feed on seeds and insects.Seeds, Insects
SparrowA small bird that feeds on grains and insects.Grains, Insects
Ruddy GooseA type of goose that feeds on grasses and grains.Grasses, Grains
Crested LarkA small bird that feeds on seeds and insects.Seeds, Insects
OstrichThe largest bird in the world, it feeds on plants and small animals.Plants, Small Animals
ParrotKnown for its bright plumage and ability to mimic sounds, it feeds on fruits and seeds.Fruits, Seeds
She Parrot (smaller than regular)Similar to the parrot but smaller in size, feeding on fruits and seeds.Fruits, Seeds
DoveA symbol of peace, this bird feeds on seeds and grains.Seeds, Grains
GooseA waterfowl that grazes on grasses and aquatic plants.Grasses, Aquatic Plants
Ringdove (Khumri)A type of dove with a distinctive ring around its neck.Seeds, Grains
PigeonA common bird that feeds on seeds and grains.Seeds, Grains
Heron Fork-Tailed Butcher BirdFeeds on fish and small animals but does not hunt with its claws.Fish, Small Animals
Crow (Zage Kusht)This type of crow feeds on corn and is permissible to eat.Corn
Crow (Zage Akhakh)A crow that feeds on corn and sometimes carrion, but is permissible if it mainly eats grains.Corn, Carrion, Grains
CuckooA bird known for laying eggs in other birds’ nests, feeds primarily on insects.Insects
Blue-Necked Bird (Subzak, Neel Kanth)A bird with distinctive blue plumage, feeding on grains and insects.Grains, Insects

List of Haram Birds In Islam (Prohibited)

The following is a list of birds that are considered Haram and prohibited to eat according to Islamic dietary laws:

Bird NameDescriptionDiet
OwlA nocturnal bird of prey that hunts with its sharp claws.Small Animals, Birds
FalconA bird of prey known for its speed and hunting abilities.Small Animals, Birds
SparrowhawkA small bird of prey that hunts other birds.Birds
VultureA scavenger bird that feeds on carrion.Carrion
Hawk (All types including female)A bird of prey that hunts using its sharp talons.Small Animals, Birds
ShikraA small bird of prey found in South Asia, known for its hunting skills.Small Animals, Birds
LatoraAnother type of bird of prey, prohibited due to its hunting behavior.Small Animals, Birds
Phoenix (Huma)A mythical bird, often depicted as feeding on carrion, thus prohibited.Carrion

Classification Criteria

Islamic dietary laws classify birds based on their hunting and feeding behaviors. Birds that peck at grains and do not use their claws to hunt or injure other animals are generally considered Halal.

This includes birds like sparrows, pigeons, doves, partridges, and ducks.

On the other hand, birds that hunt with their claws and cause injury, such as hawks, falcons, and vultures, are considered Haram.

Additionally, birds that feed on carrion, like vultures, are also prohibited.

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