Duas to Recite on Shab e Barat: The month of Shabaan is very significant for Muslims because of its 15th night known as Laila-tul-nisfe-min-Sha’ban or also Laila-tul-Bara’ah.
It is also known as Shab-e-Barat in South Asian countries, including Pakistan and India, Malaysia, Bangladesh etc.
Praying at the time of the month is an opportunity to have maximized ajar. To get more benefits from this night, below mentioned are some helpful Duas to Recite on Shab e Barat with Quranic Ayahs;
Dua to recite on Shab e Barat

How to perform Salatul Tasbih (The prayer of forgiveness)

- Make an intention for 4 nafl rakaat or Salatul Tasbih and then perform the regular namaz.
- When you recite the Sanaa, perform the recitation of Tasbih of “Subhanallahi Wal Hamdulillahi Walaa Ilaaha Illallahu Wallahu Akbar” for 15 times before moving forward in namaz.
- Then, recite Auzubillah (Ta’awwuz), Bismillah (Tasmiyah) and Surah Fatiha accompanied by another Surah.
- After performing it, recite 10 times the Tasbih again.
- In Ruku, recite again the Tasbih, for 10 times. Say “Sami Allahu Liman Hamida Rabbana Walakal Hamd” after Ruku, when you will be standing straight.
- This verse is also required to be followed by doing Tasbih 10 times.
- The same Tasbih is to be recited again 10 times while performing Sajdah.
- After performing Sajdah when you are in the position of Iftirash, again follow the Tasbih 10 times.
- Repeat the process in your second Sajda. Repeat the same pattern for the rest 3 rakaahs to perform Salatul Tasbih.
Praying 100 rakaahs Nafil on Shab e Barakah
In every rakaah, recite Surah Ikhlas 10 times. It means that you will be reciting Surah Ikhlas 10 times for each time of Surah Fatiha.
Duas to Recite on Shab e Barat after Maghrib Salah

For the protection of Imaan
- After maghrib salah, perform 2 Nafil Rakaats.
- In the first Rakaat, after reciting Surah Fatiha, recite Surah Ikhlas 3 times and Surah al Falak once.
- After reciting Surah Fatiha, in the second Rakaat, recite Surah Ikhlas 3 times and Surah an Nas once.
- After completing your Rakaats, recite Surah e Yaseen with the Dua for Shab e Barat (Given above), then make dua.
For barakah in Earning/Rizk
- After praying Maghrib Salah, pray another 2 Nafil Rakaats.
- Recite Surah Yaseen, only once 21 times Surah Ikhlas, and lastly, Dua for Shab e Barat then make dua.
For happy life
- After praying Maghrib Salah, pray 2 Nafil Rakaats.
- Recite Surah Yaseen and Dua for Shab e Barat then make dua.