Haram is an Arabic word which means “Forbidden”. Haram is the things that are prohibited in the Quran and the Sunnah, things Muslims cannot do. And violated your soul.
Table of Contents
1. Music
This is a long debate, we must have seen that some of scholars are calling it Halal while others are calling it Haram, to counter this, we have added Zakir Naik’s stance about this matter;
Furthermore, we can see the authenticity of prohibition here in Al-Jaamius Sagheer

2. Drinking Alcohol and Gambling
Drinking and Gambling are one of the greatest sins in Islam. Allah and his prophet (PBUH) have prohibited us from Drinking alcohol. In Quran, this is written;

Furthermore, it is stated that;

3. Hitting oneself or the other

If you are hitting yourself (Such as your face or chest) in grief or anything or hitting any other person (Your child or any other Muslim brother) is strictly Haram! In Quran it is stated; (Killing does not mean taking life only, it also means to hurt anyone)
4. Eating or Earning Interest
Riba (Interest) is never allowed in Islam because it is a system that makes poor the poorest and rich the richest!

5. Men wearing Silk and Gold

Silk and Gold are Haram on Men. Because these two things are attributed to women only, and Islam prohibits Men from being like Women, and Women from being like Men.
6. Masturbation
In today’s world, when the internet is easily accessible anyone and search and watch anything, which is a trigger to this addiction. Masturbation has a negative impact on your health, this is why Islam prohibits it for every Muslim and labels it as Zina! We also talked about the Ways to cure Masturbation Addiction.
7. Slaughtering Animal Without Allah’s Name
Even if a Muslim is slaughtering an Animal without saying Allah’s name “Bismillah Allah O Akber” it will become Haram! A person should say “Bismillah Allah O Akber” during the Slaughtering of the Animal, to keep it halal. Quran says;

8. Tattoos
Tattoos are strictly prohibited in Islam. In Bukhari, it is stated;

9. Suicide
In this era, we often see people committing suicide, especially young people who are already into it. A few days back we talked about Depression Cures taught by Ali (RA). Allah tests his people in different ways, we should not try to skip this part. There is a Hadith in Bukhari which states;

10. Forcing your Wife
Forcing your spouse is one of the biggest sins you will ever commit. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has taught us to be very friendly with your Wife, even stated that make her your best friend!

May Allah Abstain All The Muslims To Commit These Haram Things!
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