Video Of A Man Got Slapped In Makkah Goes Viral, Heartbreaking!

Video Of A Man Got Slapped In Makkah Goes Viral, Heartbreaking

Video of a man is being slapped while walking in the middle of makkah’s Grand Mosque cause saudi twitteratis into a lot of sentiments this week.

In this footage, a guy can been seen suddenly slapping a pilgrim walking next to him. The reason that guy was slapped is still unknown as the people on social media are just guessing why did that guy slapped it.

Many of the people are angered that this is not the way of correcting someone as Allah preaches peace yet this is the violent way of correcting someone.

This short video angered many people

Before this footage went viral on social media, the person who uploaded a video on social media said it happened all of a sudden.

Social media users, especially on Twitter shared many times this was shared on twitter.

Translation: I think the guy who slapped him is sick, feeling bad for poor guy.

Many think that he was slapped because he was filming in Makkah.

People are still trying to figure out why he slapped.

Translation: May be he was his father ?

But seriously no one know why it happened to that poor guy, no one should have right to humiliate anyone in the house of Allah.

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