Hate speech, threatening letters, assault: In 2017 there were at least 950 attacks on Muslims and Muslim institutions in Germany. In fact, the number is likely to be even higher, estimates the Central Council of Muslims.
one According to media report m last year it has nationwide least 950 attacks on Muslims as given mosques and Muslim institutions. In the process, 33 people were injured, the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” reported. This emerges from an answer from the Federal Ministry of the Interior to a request from the left.
Afterward, the authorities alone registered nearly 60 attacks, graffiti, and desecrations, such as with pig’s blood. In almost all cases, the perpetrators were right-wing extremists. Since the authorities have only been analyzing data on Islamophobic offenses since the beginning of 2017, there are no comparative figures for 2016.
Among the recorded offenses included incitement and hate speech against Muslims or Muslim refugees in the network, threatening letters and attacks on Muslim men and headscarf-wearing women on the street, it said. The authorities have no information about the amount of the damage. In addition, in 2017 almost 90 rallies were counted against the supposed “Islamization of Germany”. However, the “Pegida” marches in Saxony are not covered.
The chairman of the Central Council of Muslims, Aiman Mazyek, assumes that the statistics do not cover all offenses and thus reflects the reality only in part. “There is a big dark field because the authorities, police, and prosecutors, are not yet aware of it and therefore many cases do not appear in the statistics,” he told the newspaper. In addition, affected persons often did not file a complaint.