Attached Physically before Nikah comes under the Zina (Zina means sexually being with one another) and it is strictly prohibited in Islam.
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In today’s world, when being someone’s Girlfriend and Boyfriend is so common, and social media freedom has become so common, it is a mother of all evil in ruining many lives of the youth. Sadly, including Muslim youth, there are a number of individuals who are exchanging Nudes over social media, because their lovers are asking for it, Astaghfirullah!
When these things became so common it led to the rise in Adultery, which is also known as Zina. We know that Zina is strictly Haram! and Allah disliked the people who are or were engaged in Zina.
There are a number of Sisters who complain that they had been in a sexual relationship with their boyfriend who has left her, and they seem very lost sad, and disheartened. We can not deny the fact that Zina is one of the heinous sins that can lead you to the doors of Hell.
Quran about Zina
This is what the Quran says about Zina:

Hadith about Zina
This is what Hadith says about Zina

I got Attached Physically to my Lover, Now what should I do?
There are the following things you can do to repent if you have committed this sin;
- Repent to Allah with a truthful heart.
- When you repent, make sure that you never commit this sin again.
- Allah is Merciful, once you repent in front of him with a pure heart and a will that you will never do it again will make you a new person.
- Start praying 5 times a day.
- And start following the path of Islam.
- Get married, and be loyal.
May Allah keep us chaste and make us devoted to the one who we tied the knot in the form of Nikah (Marriage). May Allah forgive the people who have done this sin.
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