8 Things That Will Break Your Fast Instantly

things break your fast

Do we get many questions about whether swearing, kissing, listening to music, lying, and vomiting break your fast. We decided to answer what breaks your fast and what doesn’t. These are the things that will break your fast right away.

1. Intimacy between couples

Intimacy between couples

It is among those first aspects that are not permitted while fasting. The ones who still follow it by mistake must request forgiveness from Allah and continue that day to complete it without eating and drinking till sunset.

2. Hijamah (Cupping)

Pixabay Cupping Health Detoxify

It is a process of getting the blood out through our skin. A person observing fast isn’t permitted to go through the Hijamah process.

3. Transfusion of the blood

Transfusion of the blood

If a person is fasting and gets a blood transfusion, it will also invalidate their fast. The reason is that blood is created from edibles. On the other hand, getting nutrition treatments through drips or needles also impacts our fast as it is similar to properly eating or drinking.

4. Eating and Drinking

eating at restaurant

This supports that we must avoid everything that goes into our stomach through the mouth. Even it must be avoided through the nose. Yet, if it happens unknowingly, we can repent.

5. Vomiting


According to a hadith Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 720, classed as Saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 577, if you vomit deliberately, it will break your fast.

6. Lying, cursing, blaming, misbehaving, and listening to the music

listening to music break your fast

These are the acts that don’t break one’s fast yet. These are considered the worse acts and are also unliked by Allah (SWT). An Islamic Scholar, Ahmad Mufti, once said, “They do not break the fast, but engaging in such behaviors deprives the person of rewards and God’s forgiveness. Fasting is not only about refraining from eating and drinking.”

7. Guidance on eye drops, ear drops and nose drops

eye drops ear drop and nose drops break fast
US Air Forces Central Command

According to Khaleeq Ahmed Mufti, “Water or ear drops entering the ears are most likely to break the fast because they are open ports that can reach the abdomen. Nose sprays can also break the fast if they reach the abdomen, so people should take precautions. As for eye drops, scholars differ on this, so I recommend people avoid it unless they urgently need to take it during fasting hours.”

8. Hand Practicing

Hand Practicing

Intentionally done ejaculation breaks the fast, i.e., ejaculation followed by foreplay. These acts are considered as intentionally made arousal that goes against our fasts. If someone gets indulges in such acts while fasting, they must seek repentance from Allah and fast for a day after the month of Ramadan. On the other hand, expiation is required if a person follows activities with his wife.

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