Fajr Adhan Remains Banned At Ibrahimi Mosque

It also expressed concern over Israel’s increasing violations at the mosque.
Ibrahimi Mosque in the city of Hebron
Photo: Wisam Hashlamoun/Anadolu Agency

The Palestinian Ministry of Religious Endowments and Affairs reported on Tuesday that Israeli authorities in Hebron have continued to ban the dawn call to prayer at the Ibrahimi Mosque for the eighth day in a row.

The ministry condemned the Israeli army for enforcing this ban, calling it a “dangerous step” aimed at restricting Islamic worship at the mosque, possibly setting the stage for a complete ban in the future.

Additionally, the ministry pointed out that on Monday, the Israeli army prevented a foreign diplomatic delegation from entering the mosque, potentially to keep them from witnessing the ongoing Judaization efforts and settler presence within the Islamic holy site.

Last night, hundreds of settlers reportedly held a loud concert inside the mosque, involving singing and dancing. The ministry urged international intervention to stop these violations and help restore Palestinian control over the site.

The International Court of Justice declared Israel’s occupation illegal in July, and the UN General Assembly recently voted to demand Israel end its occupation within twelve months.

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