Harvard University Declares Sujood as the Best Posture for Back Pain

Harvard announced on their twitter that Sujood posture is best for back pain.
Harvard University Sujood Posture Back Pain
Photo: Harvard Health/Twitter

Massachusetts – Harvard University posted on its official website that the Sujood style is the best posture one can practice to fight back pain without having any surgery or medical procedure.

Back pain is one of the most common problems in the medical world, disturbing more than 1 million people globally every year. Due to back pain, many people go through extensive medication and some would even go for surgery to get rid of it. But these things have side effects when it comes to long-term relief.

Best Medicine For Back Pain

According to Harvard Health, there is a simple way of getting rid of this pain. In a recent post on Twitter, in which Harvard Health claimed the Sujood posture to be the best medicine for back pain.


Sujood is a posture that is done by kneeling and bowing until the forehead, nose, two hands, two knees, and toes touch the ground.

Sujood is an act of bowing down towards Allah, which Muslims do daily in their prayers 5 times a day. It is also proven to be a posture that improves oxygen delivery to the tissues and blood circulation, which reduces inflammation and promotes healing. Furthermore, it is also proven to be best for physiology as it reduces anxiety, depression, and stress.

Since the article of Harvard Health went viral, Muslims started sharing the post as it resonates with something they do almost 5 times a day. Several non-muslims online have expressed willingness to try the posture to cure their back pain with the simple trick.

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