Women bring more to Rizq (resources) after marriage, view in Islam

Wife Bring Rizq Marriage Hadith Quran Islam

Living in a Muslim country, we often hear statements such as “a lady brings rizq of her own through her fate in the marriage” which impacts her husband’s life, as said. People have also shared their experiences that how some men got successful in their careers after their marriage. Though, any Islamic reference isn’t present to support these statements.

Yet in this impermanent world, Rizq is predestined and allotted to every soul for which Islamic references also exist to support its validity. And, no such statement can be seen according to the Islamic oriented researches performed. Therefore, the concept of getting wealth increase through marriages seems to be a false spread with no authentic support such as Quranic or hadiths reference.

Below shared is the saying related to Rizq as explained in hadith and Quran;

Surah Shurah 12

Moreover in the same Surah Allah (SWT) states:

Surah Shurah 19

In the Surah Ra’d, to further clear the queries related to the sustenance Allah (SWT) says:

Surah Raad 26

Allah has communicated through Surah Al-An‘am to about the details on rizq and further on the prohibition to Muslims from:

Women Marriage After Risq

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) too, have stated and directed in a Hadith:

Sahih Al Bukhari Hadith 4430 Narrated By Abdullah Bin Musud

In addition to the ayahs and hadith quoted above, it is proved that Allah (SWT) has described a specific quantity of rizq for individual souls even before the time they aren’t born yet. However, supportive statements on the fact that “woman enhances her man’s wealth” cannot be found in these reliable sources. Whereas, on the basis of received blessings at the time getting married, one can surely say 

Still, reference regarding “Nikkah” can be observed in the Quran that it does possess a positive impact on the rizq collectively:

Surah Nur Verse 32

And the Creator knows the best.

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