We at The Islamic Information adhere to the guidelines of journalism;
- As mentioned in the Quran in Surah al-Hujuraat 49:6 before you publish any news, you should verify it completely. So we verify everything before sharing it on our platform.
- In Hadith narrated by Muslim in al-Muqaddimah, 6; Saheeh al-Jaami, 4482 which prohibits sharing the news based on lies, so what we share on our platform, we make sure that we have first-hand information about the topic.
- We do not use AI to create any articles as it can lead to some serious misinformation. Our news is written by experienced news writers who do research before publishing the content.
- We give full transparency of the author who wrote the article, at the bottom of the article.
- We do not include any bias in our news or article, everything we state can be proven factually as well as through research-based papers or through first-hand information being provided to us.