Science Backed The Islamic Logic Of Iddat, Woman Waiting For 3 Months

Science Backed The Islamic Logic Of Iddat, Woman Waiting For 3 Months

Iddat is a period in which a woman has to face if her husband dies or gets a divorce. The time duration of Iddat is 4 Months and 10 Days.

Iddat for Widowed Women

Iddat for widowed women comes with some uncommon conditions. She should stay inside her house during her Iddah and never face any stranger (Na Mehram) until she finishes her Iddah. The length of the Iddat period for a widow is four months and ten days, and in case if she is pregnant, then her iddat ends as she delivers the Baby.

In the Quran, it is mentioned;

iddat in Quran
Source: Surah Al-Talaq: 4

Iddat for Divorced Women

A divorced woman Iddah is different from a widowed one because she has to stay home. She can not step out of the house, but if she is the only one earning the family, she can go out. A divorced woman should be away from intercourse for about three clean mensurational periods because there can’t be any divorce when menstruating.

The iddah time for a divorced woman should be spent without intercourse is three menstrual cycles equal to 3 months.

In the Quran, it is mentioned;

iddat divorce woman in Quran
Source: Surah Al-Talaq: 65/1

Speaking of it, a woman, Nausheen Shahzad on Facebook added a post in which Nausheen Shahzad claimed how science supports the logic of Iddat. Have a look!

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