This Is What Islam Says About Nikah Mutah (Temporary Marriage)

Nikah Mutah Temporary Marriage ISLAM

Nikah Mutah means Temporary Marriage which means a man marries a woman for a specific amount of time. It is compulsory for a man to pay Mahr (Dowry) after their temporary marriage is over.

Mutah is an old Islamic practice for the men who used to travel long distances and needed someone to please with. But there is a huge disagreement between Sunnis and Shia scholars on Mutah Marriages, as per Sunni scholars Mutah was permitted in Prophet (PBUH)’s era but later it declared prohibited. While Shia scholars believe that Mutah Marriages are still valid.

Quran about Mutah Marriages

Surprisingly both Shia and Sunni accept this verse from the Quran which allows Mutah Temporary marriage;

Nikah Mutah Temporary Marriage Quran

Sunni views on Nikah Mutah Marriage (Temporary Marriage)

Sunni scholars give these 3 arguments which state that the Temporary marriages are not valid.

1. Quranic Argument

Sunni scholars believe that sexual activities are only valid when you do it with your wife, if you do that with anyone else, it will be unlawful as per Islamic beliefs, and quote this verse;

Nikah Mutah Temporary Marriage sunni

Furthermore, Sunni scholars do consider the following hadith as well which prohibits temporary marriages;

Nikah Mutah Temporary Marriage hadith

2. Sermon Of Umar (RA)

Umar (RA) banned Mutah (Temporary marriages) by saying the following words;

Nikah Mutah Temporary Marriage umar ra

3. Hadiths of Prophet PBUH’s Companions

In most of the Sunni books, it is narrated by Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA);

Nikah Mutah Temporary Marriage Hazrat Ali

Another hadith is,

Nikah Mutah Temporary Marriage hadiths 123

Shia views on Nikah Mutah Marriage (Temporary Marriage)

A famous shia scholar of Quran, Shaikh Tabarsi Mashad sums up the shia’s viewpoint on this in following words

Nikah Mutah Temporary Marriage shia

Most Shia scholars narrate this hadith in the context of Nikah Mutah,

Nikah Mutah Temporary Marriage shia hadith

And surely, Allah knows the best!

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