Daud Kim Buying Land For The Mosque Is a Fraud

The famous Korean YouTuber Daud Kim converted to Islam. He informed on Instagram that he had bought land to build a mosque in Korea. He had asked his fans to donate to build the mosque. However, no clear picture of official land papers have been shared.
daud kim buying land mosque
Photo: Instagram/Daud Kim

The fundraising campaign for the mosque by Daud Kim has lacked transparency.


  • Daud Kim illegally accepted donations in a private account.
  • Daud Kim did not show any official document related to the land purchase.
  • Residents have resisted the construction of a mosque in the area.

Daud Kim a former Korean pop singer turned YouTuber, has become the center of a heated debate. He recently announced his conversion to Islam on Instagram. Kim announced his intention to build a mosque in Incheon, Korea as well.

He posted on his social media that he had purchased land and wanted donations to build a mosque. However, he has yet to present any official paperwork to confirm the land purchase.

South Korean Law Does Not Allow Anyone From Collecting Donations In Private Accounts

Kim’s call for donations has sparked controversy. Korean law prohibits collecting funds for religious purposes through private accounts.

His request for financial support, without providing a detailed plan, has raised eyebrows. Moreover, there are complexities involved in establishing a mosque in Korea.

The situation is further complicated by Kim’s past. Allegations of sexual assault and other controversies have destroyed his reputation. His wife, Mia, has accused him of domestic abuse. She told the media that Kim avoided divorce proceedings. This added mistrust.

Kim Daud apology video
YouTuber Daud Kim made an apology video and talked about sexual assault. Photo: YouTube video screengrab. Photo: YouTube video screengrab.

Fails To Provide Proper Official Paperwork For The Land

Legal experts and influencers have weighed in on the matter. Farah Lee has expressed concern over the legality of Kim’s fundraising methods. She is a Malaysian influencer knowledgeable about Korean laws.

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Similarly, Ayana, a Korean influencer, has advised potential donors to be cautious. Ayana stated individuals to contribute only to officially recognized organizations like the Korean Muslim Federation.

Political activist Austin Bashore recounted his own experiences with Kim. He described them as superficial. He questioned his commitment to the causes he promotes.

As the debate continues, the future of the mosque project remains uncertain. The community calls for transparency and adherence to legal procedures. Individuals hope that the project, if pursued, will be carried out through legitimate channels.


Daud Kim has not yet shared any official papers of the land. He had neither stated his plan to get a permit to build a mosque.

Daud Kim Cancels Building Mosque After Residents Didn’t Allow Construction

Days after the Islamic Information article about Daud Kim’s mosque land legality, residents have resisted to construction of a mosque on the land. As of today, Daud still has not made any legal documents or papers of land construction public despite people consciously asking them to make it public.

Worshippers stated that their properties would get devalued due to places of worship nearby. According to the reports, the land owner where Daud was claiming to build a mosque, had asked his real estate to terminate the contract on an immediate basis.

This will put Duad Kim to face money laundering charges as he collected the donations on his private account while it is only allowed in a declared organization-based account.

Update (4 PM – April 24, 2024): More information was added about the latest development in the case of Daud Kim.

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